Dnipro LLC customs calculator

Duty - euro ( uah)
(10% of the value exceeding 150 euros)
VAT - euro ( uah)
(20% of the difference between the cost of the product and 150 euros + duty)
Total cost: euro ( uah)

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Dnipro LLC customs calculator

Now the customs limit in Ukraine is €150. If you order for a larger amount, you pay customs duty and VAT on the difference.

If you pay in dollars or in other currencies, the calculations will be equivalent, according to the current exchange rates.

Duty – 10% of the amount equal to: order value minus €150.
VAT – 20% of the amount equal to: order value minus €150 € + duty amount
Total amount: Duty + VAT. Payable upon receipt of parcel from Dnipro LCC

What is the Dnipro LCC duty calculator for?

When ordering goods from AliExpress to Ukraine, buyers are often concerned about customs payments that must be paid when receiving the goods.

Aliexpress customs calculator will help here. This is a tool that helps to calculate the expected customs payments for the product that the buyer is going to order on the site. By the way, it is relevant for calculating the cost of parcels from other stores in China, Europe and the USA.

Customs clearance calculator from AliExpress calculates the amount of payments that need to be paid in Ukraine after passing through customs.

You can use it on this page.

Please note! If the amount of your order does not exceed 150 euros or its equivalent, then you will not have to pay customs duties and taxes. You will find more detailed information about this on the pages "Customs clearance with Dnipro LCC"

How the parcel customs clearance calculator works

To calculate customs duty and VAT on goods from China, enter the approximate value of the order in euros.

You will see the approximate amounts of payments that will need to be paid upon receipt of the package:

  1. Duty amount (10% of the difference in value and 150 euros)
  2. Amount of VAT (20% of the difference amount + customs value)
  3. Total cost of customs clearance
What are customs payments?

When ordering goods from AliExpress to Ukraine, buyers are often concerned about customs payments that must be paid when receiving the goods.

Aliexpress customs calculator will help here. This is a tool that helps to calculate the expected customs payments for the product that the buyer is going to order on the site. By the way, it is relevant for calculating the cost of parcels from other stores in China, Europe and the USA.

Customs clearance calculator from AliExpress calculates the amount of payments that need to be paid in Ukraine after passing through customs.

You can use it on this page.

Please note! If the amount of your order does not exceed 150 euros or its equivalent, then you will not have to pay customs duties and taxes. You will find more detailed information about this on the pages "Customs clearance with Dnipro LCC"

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