Paсkages delivery from the USA to Belgium
Paсkages delivery from the USA to Belgium
Delivery of personal packages from the US to Belgium
Delivery of personal packages from the US to Belgium
Delivery of personal packages from the USA to Belgium
Type of delivery | Region | Price/lb (lb) | Delivery | Delivery time | Minimum chargeable weight | Minimum shipping cost |
Air | Belgium | $3.29 | $35.00 | 1-3 weeks | 5 lbs | $51.45 |
Сustoms fee 35% for every package (there is no customs free value), this customs fee has to be paid by sender
Maximum weight - 66 lbs (30 kg)
Minimum chargeable weight by air- 5 lbs (2.3 kg).
The dimensions of the box according to the formula 2W + 2H + L should not exceed 300 cm (118 inches)
Shipping calculator
To check the shipping cost, follow the link below.
- All packages are insured for $60 free of charge
- Optionally the customer can insure the full value of the package, which cost 3% of the additional insured value.
How to send packages with Dnipro LLC?
You can bring the parcel to our warehouse (645 West 1st Avenue, Roselle, NJ 07203) yourself or arrange for the parcel to be sent to one of our partner collection points. Call us (908) 241-2190 and we'll tell you the address of the nearest location.
Our drivers can pick up packages from your home or office within 200 miles of our main warehouse in Roselle, NJ. We pick up packages from your location in the states of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Hampshire, Connecticut, and all areas of New York (Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, Bronx, Staten Island). You can schedule the pickup by submitting a request using the link below or by calling us at 908-241-2190.
If you want to send a personal package from the USA to Belgium and are located in states that are far from us (outside the range of our couriers), you need to register on our website and get a FedEx sticker through your personal account. Print it out, attach it to the package, and take the package to the nearest FedEx office. To correctly plan the delivery of a package through FedEx, you should set up the first package with the help of our managers by phone, and call +1 (908) 241-2190.
For detailed information on delivery of purchases from US online stores, read here
Before sending the package, read the list of prohibited goods.
Сustoms fee 21%-35% of total parcels value (there is no customs free value), this customs fee has to be paid by receipient.
Dnipro LLC invites those wishing to become a representative (agent) of Dnipro LLC for cooperation. We offer favorable terms of cooperation and guaranteed support. To find out about the possibility of becoming an agent in your region, send an email to [email protected] and write "Partnership" in the subject line. Our staff will contact you and provide all the necessary information for further cooperation.