RoRo shipping from the US to Germany

RoRo shipping from the US to Germany
Dnipro LLC offers quality shipping services via RoRo (Roll on, Roll off) / LoLo (Load on, Load off) from the US to Germany.
RoRo shipping from the US to Germany
As part of our ocean freight services, Dnipro LLC can offer quality, timely service shipping via RoRo (Roll on, Roll off) / LoLo (Load on, Load off) from the US to Germany.
How much does it cost to ship RoRo a vehicle from the US to Germany?
The price for shipping RoRo a vehicle to Germany depends on a car's model and the USA's departure port. Dnipro LLC offers a special price for RoRo shipping to the ports of Hamburg and Bremerhaven, Germany, as low as $750 per a vehicle.
What is the transit time for RoRo shipping a vehicle from the US to Germany?
It takes from 2 to 4 weeks to ship a vehicle from a US port to any ports in Germany.
What are major Ro-Ro ports in USA?
Shipping via RORO service from the U.S. can be arranged from the major ocean ports: New York, Baltimore, Charleston, Jacksonville, Miami, New Orleans, Houston, Galveston and Los Angeles.
What are major RoRo ports in Germany?
The Port of Bremerhavenis the main RoRo port in Germany and is a major transhipment hub for worldwide RoRo transport. The Egerland Car Terminal in the Port of Bremerhaven specializes in logistics services for new and used vehicles, imports and exports vehicles. The terminal has a secure temporary storage yard of 49.4 acres (200 thousand square meters).
The Port of Hamburg is the second largest RoRo port in Germany. All RoRo and LoLo cargo are handled at one of Hamburg's seven multi-purpose facilities.The Port of Hamburg Rhenus Midgard GmbH & Company KG Dradenau Terminal handles cars, general and project cargo. The terminal has two roll on / roll off berths and two lift on / lift off berths.
For all questions related to service shipping via RoRo / LoLo from the USA to Germany, fill out a special request form or contact our managers at +1(908)241-2190.